Helping you?

Spiritual care
Life can be tough. If you have a life issue you want to bring to God, or you want to know God more in your life, we offer prayer and help from the Bible. We believe that, because of Jesus, you can pray to God yourself (please look at but it can help to have someone help you with this. Please get in touch with our minister.

Prayer for wholeness, peace and well-being
This is a Christian service in which trained volunteers will pray quietly with you if you are sick, anxious or troubled. We can’t promise you a particular answer to prayer, but we do trust in God’s love, wisdom and power. If you want to know more, please ask our minister.

If you are thinking of baptism for yourself or a younger member of your family, please get in touch with our minister.  (If you have already been baptized, you may want to join our local church. Please ask how to do this.)

A church wedding is an opportunity to involve God in your lives as you make your promises to each other and ask God’s blessing on your marriage. If you would like to be married in church, please contact our minister, who will send you a wedding pack and arrange to meet you.

A funeral director will arrange this with us, if you or the deceased person are from our parish or have links with us. Age Scotland’s factsheet, Planning for a funeral, is available from 0845 125 9732 or at:

Hall Lets
It is sometimes possible to hire part of our premises for suitable activities. Please contact the Hallkeeper on 07766 888 644